Each season, new handbag styles advance into the fashion world, and each season, we enthusiastically scout the internet for the best deals on our most favorite designs that pass the test of time. At this moment, it’s the micro handbags that appear to be too little to hold even your phone or lipstick but do look adorable in every color. Luckily we have all the inspiration we need to pull off the best outfit combos thanks to online influencers and street style stars. However, once in a while we crave a more classic designer handbag choice that will be a great investment in our wardrobe for years to come.
In case you’re uncertain about which luxury handbag to invest in at the moment, consider browsing the catalogs of the most well-established bags ever. It’s no simple accomplishment to procure such a title, and however many come joined with a huge price tag, they’re worth the spot in your handbag collection.
What makes a bag worth investing in? They manage to keep their value throughout the decades and can instantly be recognized even by everyone. Instead of falling into the one-season wonder category, their iconic shape and design know no season and trend. They hold a certain elegance that cannot be denied.
They’ve been the most desired styles of all time and continue to be desired by thousands of women worldwide. Scroll down to see our carefully curated list of the most famous designer bags that can easily pass the test of time, quality, and wearability.
Birkin by Hermes
Firstly launched in 1984, Birkins are THE dream bag of all fashion enthusiasts to this day. Some consider them to be a true investment for the resale market since they are currently sitting on the price tag of 15K dollars.
Quilted bag by Chanel
Nothing screams luxury louder than a classic Chanel bag. The quilted design has been a statement of the brand since its first launch in 1955. There are quite a few variations and modern twists of this particular style, but nothing can bit the iconic quilted bag shape and style.
Neverfull by LV
The LV Neverfull is perhaps the most recognizable bag shape of the brand. It became popular in 2007 and continues to be a great investment luxury bag to this day.
Kate by Saint Laurent
Kate is the most loved bag style by Saint Laurent that holds its value and quality since day one. Both the soft suede and leather versions are equally valued amongst fashion lovers worldwide.