Drinking water can help to keep our bodies healthy. It can also improve our skin’s appearance. When we drink more water, our skin looks more youthful and fresh. What a cheap way to take years off, right? Of course, you’ll ask how much water should we drink. The correct amount of water to drink in a day depends on your weight. Use your body weight and divide it into two.  This gives you the number of ounces you need to drink daily. The water we drink will carry the essential nutrients to our body’s cells. Water will also flush out toxins from our bodies.

What Are The Signs of Dehydration

Our body will let us know when we need to drink more water. Dehydrated skin can increase the aging process. The signs of dehydration include:-

  • Thirsty
  • Brain Fog
  • Headache
  • Flaky Skin
  • Dull skin with fine lines
  • Dark circles under the eyes

Amazing Benefits From Drinking Water 

Water is vital for our beauty and not to mention our skin’s health too. It helps you from the inside out. One of the easiest beauty treatments you can do is to stay hydrated. Your skin will thank you for the healthy glow.

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1. Improvement on Skin Tone

Having enough water helps the body to eliminate toxins. It also provides you with healthier skin. A minimum of two cups of water can increase blood flow to the skin, giving it a smooth tone.

2. Prevents Early Aging

The skin’s elasticity will increase if you stay hydrated. It will delay sagging, and the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

3. Faster Healing

Having enough water will also help to speed up the healing process if you have headaches, sunburns or viral infection.

Image from https://www.pinterest.com/pin/233342824436347191/

4. Reduces Puffiness

Our skin swells sometimes. This can be caused by dehydration. When there’s enough water in our body, the puffiness on the face will reduce.

5. Prevents Acne

Having enough water can balance the oil and water content on the facial skin. This prevents the buildup of excess oil and sebum. Get a smoother skin by drinking water throughout the day. smoother complexion.

6. Stop Itchy Skin

Your skin tends to itch when it’s dry. It may even develop dry flakes and cracks because of a lack of moisture. Drinking enough water will ensure that your skin won’t become dry.

7. Tighter Skin

Your skin may sag due to weight loss or aging. Drinking water will help to tighten the skin on the upper arms, jawline, and waist. This is because water helps improve skin elasticity. Your skin will bounce back from sagging.

8. Balancing your pH 

When you drink enough water, you can maintain a healthy pH level. This will keep your skin looking healthy. It will also help to restore sensitive or blotchy skin. Your skin will look radiant.

9. Pore Reduction

Our pores can get clogged and enlarged throughout the day. Staying hydrated can balance the oil and water on the skin. This will help to reduce the pore size, and decrease acne breakouts and blemishes.

10. Reduce Heat

Water can stop your body from being overheated as it normalizes the body temperature. The weather or doing physical activity can heat up the body. So drinking lots of water will make sure that you don’t develop heat boils or rashes on the skin.